A family rooted in financial history
Nathina Financial Services has its roots in one of the most transformative times in British Columbia history, when the province began to privatize government enterprises and major businesses evolved and restructured.
At the same time -- more than 40 years ago -- Nathina founder Len Paisley had plans to become an actuary. But the magic of predicting the financial future, through hours of analysis and laborious calculations, was suddenly made relatively simple through the invention of the personal computer.
Len took his love of finance and numbers and applied it to pension management, beginning in 1983 to work with two other like-minded partners, focusing on providing fee-for-service planning to small business owners, industry leaders and government.
Their work in financial, insurance, estate, investment, and tax planning advice to small businesses, made them sought-after speakers, giving presentations on financial planning and investment management, holding seminars, teaching classes and continuing education courses. Clients included the government, telecommunications, mining, manufacturing and energy sectors, to name just a few.
As the business grew, they opened offices in Victoria, Nanaimo and Courtenay.